NXTG Squad




“It’s the small sparks that start up the fires that eventually build enough heat to burn the whole forest down.” – David Goggins

His superpowers

Our osteopath Asrafil Goolam-Hossen stands out for his energy and contagious good humor that will certainly put a smile on your face. In addition to listening to his patients, Asrafil is a pro in his field and he will put you back on your feet no matter what the reason for your consultation.

His passions

Asrafil is passionate about fitness and everything that includes health. In his spare time you can find him in the middle of the boxing ring where he trains several times a week . He also loves to take on new challenges and learn new skills: he doesn’t stop at anything! Talk to him about science fiction or characters from Marvel and DC, you’ll have plenty to talk about for hours.

His approach

Using an osteopathic approach combined with his knowledge of kinesiology, Asrafil restores balance and increases body performance. It focuses on the nervous, lymphatic and musculoskeletal systems to improve the quality of life of these patients, one session at a time. He specializes in pregnancy monitoring, concussion, back pain, sports injuries and is also very good with children.


Asrafil Goolam-Hossen graduated from McGill University in Kinesiology in 2020. In search of new apprenticeships, he then continued his academic career at the Collège d’études Ostéopathique de Montréal where he also obtained a diploma. He is also a member of the osteopathy group Québec. He practiced osteopathy for several years before joining Nxt Generation Physio in 2021.

Sport disciplines

Fitness and Strength Training

Available at this clinic

Montréal – Saint-Henri