

Unique service in Montreal

What is a running analysis ?

Running analysis is a detailed evaluation process of your running technique. Utilizing the expertise of our professionals in biomechanics, we observe and analyze the various aspects of your stride, from the moment your foot touches the ground to the next propulsion. This analysis includes the study of posture, leg movement, cadence, and cushioning. Our goal is to identify aspects of your running that can be improved to make your stride more optimal and safer to prevent or treat injuries.

*Insurance receipt available  (physiotherapy)

Why have a
running analysis ?

The running analysis, conducted by our specialized physiotherapists, is an essential step for all runners looking to optimize their practice while ensuring their physical well-being. By examining every aspect of your stride, our experts identify the necessary adjustments to improve your performance, reduce your pain, and minimize the risk of injury.

This analysis also aims to refine your running technique for better efficiency and enjoyment. Thanks to the expertise of our physiotherapists, you will receive personalized recommendations tailored to your unique runner profile. Whether your goal is to beat a personal record, run without pain, or simply enjoy your runs more, the running analysis is the bridge between your ambitions and their achievement.


By analyzing your cadence, posture, and propulsion technique, we identify areas for improvement that can help you run faster and longer with less effort.


By correcting biomechanical flaws, we promote better impact absorption, improved cadence, and better posture. We help significantly reduce the risk of common injuries among runners, such as knee pain, foot pain, and stress fractures.

optimization of potential

Optimizing your energy efficiency is crucial for both performance and the enjoyment of running. We show you how to adjust your stride to maximize your energy use.


Following the analysis, you will receive a personalized action plan that includes specific exercises, technique adjustments, and running shoe recommendations if necessary. Regular follow-up ensures the plan evolves and adjusts according to your progress.


1. The physiotherapist will conduct a brief assessment of your overall physical condition and ask questions related to your running goals. You are on your way to a comprehensive analysis lasting one hour.

2. Dressed in your sportswear and wearing your favorite shoes, you will start running on our treadmill. Our physiotherapist will observe your stride and film you using a mobile application designed for this type of analysis.

3. The physio will share the results of their analysis and correct the technique with you.

4. You will be advised on muscle strengthening exercises specific to your situation. The professional may also make recommendations regarding the running shoes to choose based on your technique.

5. You are now ready to run many kilometers this summer with peace of mind and a technique that will help you avoid pain and discomfort.